4th American Red Cross Blood Drive of 2022
McClure Engineering Collects 23 Units of Blood during our 4th Blood Drive of 2022.

The Red Cross is experiencing the worst blood shortage in over a decade. The dangerously low blood supply levels have forced some hospitals to defer patients from major surgery, including organ transplants. There are several factors affecting this blood shortage including blood drive cancellations due to the ongoing pandemic.
It was important to us that we come out strongly for our fourth and final Blood Drive of the year and we were able to collect 23 units! That means 69 lives can potentially be saved by the units collected.
Blood Donations go to help cancer patients, trauma patients, sickle cell patients, burn patients, and patients with chronic diseases. Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood and since there is no substitute for blood, the blood that helps save lives is given in advance by generous donors.
And while 38% of the American population is eligible to give blood, only 2% donate.
Interested in donating to help elevate this shortage that is putting millions of vulnerable people at risk? Visit the Red Cross website to find Blood Drive near you!