Energy Conservation is an Ethic
Throughout our history, McClure Engineering has maintained a strong belief that energy conservation is an ethic that should permeate all aspects of mechanical and electrical system designs. Our long-term relationships with building Owners and Operators have influenced this approach, causing us to value realized long-term energy savings over system complexity or other novelties that may or may not be able to be maintained throughout the operation of the building. We take pride in seeking out elegant solutions that find energy savings through simplicity, allowing our buildings to maintain superior energy performance beyond the first couple years of operation.

Experience, and

McClure Engineering has 10+ LEED™ accredited engineers on staff and is a member of the US Green Building Council (USGBC), the national organization that developed LEED™. In addition, several engineers are active at the local level with the St. Louis Chapter of the USGBC. McClure Engineering’s past-president, William Coad, helped develop a partnership agreement between the USGBC and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to help the two associations promote environmentally responsible buildings. Many of the criteria for the rating system are based on existing ASHRAE Standards.
One of the prerequisites for the rating system requires Fundamental Building Commissioning. McClure Engineering has Commissioning Process Management Professionals (CPMP) by ASHRAE. As an ASHRAE Certified Commissioning Agent, McClure Engineering is skilled in commissioning all building systems, including HVAC, plumbing, lighting, audio/visual, security, fire alarm, smoke exhaust, and emergency generators. If the project team decides to obtain the credit for Additional Commissioning, the rating system requires the commissioning agent for the additional commissioning to be independent from the design team. Therefore, another firm would be recommended to provide the additional commissioning services.
Our design team’s close relationship, our experience, our commitment to energy efficiency, and our active involvement in ASHRAE and the USGBC, demonstrate that we have the ability and desire to help our clients achieve the LEED™ certification desired.

Ladue Horton Watkins High School: Athletic Stadium Lighting
Energy Efficiency Incentives
McClure Engineering also utilizes multiple Energy Efficiency Incentive Programs which offers cash incentives to any project that utilizes cost-effective energy savings. This program encourages our clients to install energy efficient systems and McClure Engineering is right beside our client to help guide the way by coordinating the entire process. For the Ladue Horton Watkins High School Addition project, McClure Engineering helped our client secure rebates from Ameren Missouri for the electrical savings and from Spire for the gas savings.
McClure Engineering is regularly recognized for the work we do for these various energy efficiency programs. We were awarded Trade Ally of the Year in 2017 by Ameren Missouri and in 2019 we won Most Outstanding Engineering Services for outstanding contributions to the Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program by providing over $1M dollars in incentives to our clients in 2018.

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