Leslie Cowger and Pat Travers Secure New Professional Certifications
Mechanical Engineer Leslie Cowger secures her Fire Protection P.E. and Pat Travers becomes a Professional Project Manager.

Congrats to Leslie and Pat on their recent certifications!
Not content with just being a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (which she secured this past March), Mechanical Engineer Leslie Cowger, P.E., CFPS, CPD has been hard at work to secure her Fire Protection Professional Engineer (P.E.) License. And last month, Leslie made her dream a reality! This is no small feat.
The Fire Protection P.E. exam ranks as the 3rd most difficult exam to initially pass. Aside from the twelve required references comprising ten volumes and over 6,000 pages, the exam spans topics that most fire protection engineers don’t even work in regularly. – Meyer Fire Blog
And while this is certainly a personal triumph for Leslie, this is also great news for McClure Engineering. Leslie is our very first certified Fire Protection P.E. Leslie’s new certification will not only assure our current clients of our Fire Protection expertise but will also help us secure opportunities with new clients who require a Fire Protection P.E. for certain projects.
Congratulations Leslie! Treat yourself to some congratulatory cake!
And while Leslie takes a bite out of the well-deserved celebration cake, let’s give our congratulations to Mechanical Engineer Pat Travers, P.E., who is now a certified Project Manager. Last month, Pat passed his Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam.
The PMP acknowledges candidates skilled at managing the people, processes, and business priorities of professional projects. To obtain PMP certification, a project manager must meet certain requirements and then pass a 180-question exam. The PMP exam was created by project leaders for project leaders, so each test question can be related to real-life project management experiences. – Project Management Institute (PMI)
Congratulations Pat! Treat yourself to a share of that congratulatory cake!