McClure Engineering has been working on government buildings for decades and our work for these institutions is rarely regulated to a single project. Our partnerships span Federal, State, Local, and Municipal institutions with projects ranging from infrastructure to tenant improvements. Whether we are helping communities connect with each other by designing the latest recreation center or implementing systems to ensure government agencies are operating at their most efficient, our relationships with our clients go beyond building projects and continue through system start-up, training and even on-going operation.

St. Charles County Courthouse
What We Do

- Analytical Laboratories
- Hospital Helipads
- Motor Pool Buildings
- Systems Garages
- Warehouses
- Barracks

- Aquatic Centers
- City Park Facilities
- Multi-Use Facilities
- Event Centers
- Ice Rinks
- Recreation Centers

- Federal Government
- State Government
- Local Government
- Municipal Government

- Assembly Areas
- Mail Rooms
- Kitchen & Cafeterias
- Clerical/Work Areas
- Executive Offices
- Meeting & Conference Rooms
- Reception & Greeting Areas
- Records Rooms
- Work/Copy Centers

- Campus Utilities
- Transportation Facilities
- Safe Rooms
- Common Areas
- Lavatories
- Warehouses

- City Halls
- Capital Buildings
- Correctional Facilities
- Courthouses
- Crime Labs
- Financial Institutions
- Police Departments
- Transportation Facilities
featured government projects